MoreNiche™ is a premium affiliate network, which allows you to earn large commisions for promoting highly desirable products and services online. For every conversion (sale, lead, phone call) you make, we will pay you up to $300.00. To make it even easier, we provide you with everything you need including marketing tools, free websites and 1on1 support.
You will be paid on the 10th and 26th of every month by a payment method of your choice . As a further incentive to get started, we will automatically enter you in to our Cash Activation Bonus system. This program rewards you with $45.00 just for joining and getting started.
How does affiliate marketing work?
It works the same as any other commercial referral scheme. For example, if you was to refer your friend to your local bank, then your bank would give you a gift for doing so.
With affiliate marketing instead of referring your friend, you refer online surfers to a selection of different product/service offerings. In return you are rewarded with large commisions.
MoreNiche™ provides you with:
• The tracking technology which generates you a unique Affiliate ID (AF10002 for example) and URL that you use to refer online surfers. This ensures you get credited for a conversion.
• 100's of free websites for you to use. We will also show you how to edit your website and add copy. Most importantly we will show you techniques on how to attract online surfers and then how to convert them into commisions.
• Access to high converting product/service offerings. You will have access to highly profitable niches, with unique offerings. This will make it easier for you to earn large commisions on a regular basis.
No more excuses. If you want to increase your income then your not going to get a better offer than this. MoreNiche™ is free to join and our Cash Activation Bonus scheme rewards you with $45.00 just for getting started.
Having once been affiliates ourselves, we know what affiliates want from their network. It is pretty easy really. Guaranteed payouts, great converting products and to be treated with the same service levels as merchants. We have created that network for you.
• MoreNiche™ guarantee you your payment. If the merchant does not pay us, then that is our problem, not yours. For 6 years payments have been on time everytime.
Other Networks: A typical affiliate network is scary. For starters you don't know if your going to get paid. It all depends on whether the merchants decide to pay the network.
• MoreNiche™ apply strict merchant guidelines. A merchant will not get into our network unless their website converts. Every merchant as to our internal KPI checklists and provide ample resources before being accepted.
Other Networks: Quality control is non-existent. In a bid to get as many merchants as possible paying 'monthly fees' the network does not care if the merchant site converts or not.
• MoreNiche™ treat affiliates as equals. Telephone, ticketing system and affiliate forum support is available to all affiliates. We know that by helping you to learn, you will become the commision generators of the future.
Other Networks: Telephone support is not available. Merchants have a telephone number but not affiliates? Support is limited to a 'catch all' FAQ guide.
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